Friday, December 17, 2010


The gayer I get, the more I find myself surrounded by acronyms. By "gayer", I mean change to represent more of the GBLT spectrum, and less of the typical WASP male. Too many acronyms, I say! It's damn confusing, and I don't think it helps us. There are a lot of folks who don't understand us gays and our glittery culture. There's so much tension around political correctness, and learning our vocabulary can be like playing Minesweeper for heterosexuals. Despite how much (or little) effort is put into careful word choice, a single slip up can punish you with a furious queer threatening your ass with lawsuits. This is bad for everyone. The strict categories that we require our fellows to memorize are just emphasizing any perceived difference between the straight/gay communities, making both sides grumpy. Ah, good rant!

My name is Micah, and I am a 25 year-old bi-gendered person. I was born male and have always identified as male, yet I also felt strangely female. Having debated this conundrum with myself for nearly a decade, two months ago I began male-to-female (MtF) hormone-replacement therapy (HRT). I have the support of my family, friends, employer, and classmates, and I openly sport pink hair as either gender within my community. I am very aware that my position is extremely fortuitous, and it is not so for everyone. I love to conjecture and ramble, and I am an open book for those looking to find understanding or support. For everyone else, at least there is a picture of a cat.
