Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's More Than a Feeling

There are so many different kinds of trannies that I can't keep track of us all. MtF's, FtM's, genderqueers, androgynes, bi-genders, kings, and queens are all different enough to be justified in their frequently short tempers with people who refuse to use the correct word. Within our own communities, we are sensitive enough and knowledgeable enough to use the terms preferred by each of our peers. To most folks, we're all just gay.

This is, of course, insulting and irrelevant. Gay is an orientation; it denotes who you like. Transgender is the other check-box next to male and female; it denotes who you are. A lot of this confusion comes from the  LGBTQ grouping. It started out as the gay movement, then it became gays and lesbians, and it has continued to expand into a sort of convenient, catch-all category for non-straight people. That's total crap, though, because MtF's can exclusively like men, and FtM's can exclusively like women. Both cases result in a man and a woman gettin' busy, and that's as straight as it gets.

Over-categorizing ourselves is a lackluster prospect. The benefits are few, and it teaches that being queer makes you different. You can be male, female, trans, or whatever. You can like males, females, trans, or whatever.

You could be a person that likes people.

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